
Sylvie Smith

Freeze the splendor and avail it to all

I graduated from the University of South Carolina (USC) with a master's in engineering, Electrical & Computer. I raised my two boys -now young men, in Columbia, SC. I've always liked photography but did not take it seriously until after my children became independent adults. I took an online course, followed by another under USC's Continuing Education umbrella but then Covid stopped in-person courses. I love hiking, so I took what I learned and started hiking with Camera. Soon I had taken thousands of photos, learned editing in Lightroom and started a blog to share my adventures In 2019, I published a micro memoir entitled 'A Glimpse Into My Life' mostly as a legacy for our future descendants. It is important to me that they know and understand their family's difficult choices and story. It's a coffee table quick read available in major bookstores. After a 35-year career in software engineering that included two US Patents, I decided it was time to retire and dedicate my time to my passions. I believe beauty is all around waiting on us to open our eyes and notice it. My objective is to freeze the splendor I see, with my lens, and avail it for all to enjoy. It is my sincere hope that my work adds a dash of wonder and beauty to your world. Thank you for visiting my gallery.